
microglia a l'attaque !

The Microglia participate in the defense of the immune system in the brain, protecting us of any threat by the release of cytokines, chemokines, proteins, etc. So, prepare you to die when a microglia is activated!.


Infografy for Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in spanish

Infography for a thesis.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets. As a concentrated source of autologous platelets, PRP contains (and releases through degranulation) several different growth factors and other cytokines that stimulate healing of bone and soft tissue.




Aplysia colorful

Aplysia californica, one of the invertebrates model in the study of synaptic plasticity and memory. Experiments designed by Eric Kandel, nobel prize in physiology.


The word mitochondrion comes from the Greek: μίτος mitos, thread, + χονδρίον chondrion, granule.


Identification of Inhibitory Synapses

Conversation between Per Andersen and John Eccles in Canberra, about the identification of a new type of interneuron with new properties. The cite is a extract of "The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography" VOLUME 4, Edited by Larry R. Squire.


Cat in science!

Have you interested in cats? to experiments? or maybe for lifestyle?. Graphique-science brings to you the new model more easy and more helpful for the scientist!


Alzheimer Disease

The mechanisms involved in the pathogenic changes triggered in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are not clearly understood, the neuronal dysfunction, which includes oxidative stress, cytoskeletal alterations and synaptic failure are all features that contributes to the progression of the disease.

Water Maze

The Morris Water Maze (MWM) is a behavioral procedure used in behavioral neuroscience to the study of spatial memory and learning that depend of the hippocampus.


Mouse alert!

The mouse in an alert state have a behavior related with a specific posture associated to processing of fear-evoking odors emitted from cat, rat, and snake require the function of sensory neurons in the vomeronasal organ


Cajal rules!

Santiago Ramón y Cajal rules!!!!!!

His pioneering investigations of the microscopic structure of the brain were original: he is considered by many to be the father of modern neuroscience. He was skilled at drawing, and hundreds of his illustrations of brain cells are still used for educational purposes today!!!

mice think!

First essay with my new digital tablet to create new ideas!!

BBB in a neurodegenerative condition

What's happen when the Brain Blood Barrier (BBB) is in neurodegenerative condition ???. Graphique Science bring to you the model of the BBB in Alzheimer Disease!



The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is a separation of circulating blood from the brain extracellular fluid in the central nervous system (CNS).


Jak-stat signaling

He regresado de un par de congresos!!,pero finalmente creé un nuevo modelo de señalización! Con ustedes la vía de Jak-stat (con una mirada simple)!

I returned from a couple of congress! but finally I create a new model of signaling. Here is the Jak-stat pathway (in a simple view).


Frizzled Receptor

Frizzled Heptameric G Receptor with motif of PDZ interaction, CRD (cysteine-rich domain) that interact with Wnt ligands.


Long Term Potentiation (LTP)

Proceso de plasticidad sinaptica que ocurre en la región CA1 del hipocampo. La liberación de glutamato permite la activacion de los receptores AMPA y NMDA. Estos ultimos inducen la entrada de calcio permitiendo la activación de la CamKII, la cual permite la incorporacion de mas receptores a la superficie de la espina sináptica.

The synaptic plasticity in the CA1 region in the hippocampus depend of the increase in the release of the neurotransmitter glutamate to the synaptic cleft. This induces the activation of AMPA and NMDA receptors. The NMDA receptor allows the influx of Calcium activating to CamKII to induce the incorporation of new AMPA receptors to the postsynaptic membrane increase the synaptic strenght.

La plasticité synaptique dans la région CA1 de l'hippocampe dépend de l'augmentation de la libération du neurotransmetteur glutamate de la fente synaptique. Ceci induit l'activation des récepteurs AMPA et NMDA. Le récepteur NMDA permet l'afflux de calcium pour activer CaMKII pour induire l'incorporation de nouveaux récepteurs AMPA pour augmenter la membrane post-synaptique de la force synaptique.



Modelo de remera/polera para estudiantes de la escuela Miledi de la SfN (Society for neuroscience) Buenos Aires, Argentina 2012 la cual asistí.

Model of t-shirts for the miledi school students of the SfN (Society for Neuroscience) Buenos Aires, Argentina 2012


Mensaje! / Message!!

Si usted esta interesado en obtener un dibujo en formato como revistas tipo nature, cell, Science, etc. AQUI ES DONDE DEBE BUSCAR!

El diseño de este blog, tiene la finalidad de poder dibujar mecanismos interesados en la biología u otra rama de las ciencias donde se pueda explicar como ocurren diversos fenómenos. Si alguien esta realizando una tesis, paper, poster, etc la cual necesita de un modelo o figura alusiva a su mecanismo propuesto, yo puedo realizarlo. Esto puede ser conversable de acuerdo al precio del dibujo, ya sea en blanco-negro, color, etc. Además los mecanismos pueden ser en español, ingles o francés (también se podría realizar en alemán). Cualquier duda por favor consulten! todo es conversable!!!

PD: De todos modos los dibujos serán subidos a esta plataforma en idioma inglés.

If you are interested in obtain a drawing with a journal format like Nature, Science or any other magazine. This is the place for you!!
The design of this blog have the finality to show mechanism for thesis, papers, posters o anything related with the biology (cellular, molecular, physiology, etc). The price of any drawing will depend of the type (the complexity, the color or white-black, etc). Also, the drawings can be made in spanish, english or french (also could be in german language).

For questions please leave a message in this blog!

Si vous êtes intéressés à obtenir un format d'image de journal vers "Nature", "Cell", "Science", etc. Vous devez chercher ici!!

Le design de ce blog, est destiné à montrer les mécanismes pour la biologie ou autre branche de la science dans le but d'expliquer comment les divers phénomènes se produisent. Si quelqu'un fait une thèse, paper, poster, etc qui a besoin d'un modèle ou d'une figure en faisant allusion à son mécanisme proposé, je peux le faire. Cela peut être basé sur le dessin conversable prix, que ce soit en noir et blanc, couleur, etc. Mécanismes aussi soient un en français, en espagnol ou en anglais (aussi en allemagne). Toutes les questions s'il vous plaît consulter! tout est conversable!

PD: les dessins seront montrer en anglais.


Olfactory bulb neurogenesis / neurogenèse du bulbe olfactif

Estadios de la formación de nuevas neuronas en el bulbo olfatorio

Wnt signaling / signalisation Wnt

New model proposed for Canonical Wnt signaling that depend of the accumulation of beta-catenin for the transcript Wnt target genes.

Nouveau modèle proposé pour la signalisation Wnt canonique qui dépendent de l'accumulation de bêta-caténine pour les gènes transcrits les cibles de Wnt.

Non-canonical Wnt signaling / signalisation Wnt non canonique

Vía de señalización Wnt no canonica, que involucra 2 de las vias conocidas
-) Vía Wnt-calcio
=) Vía Wnt-JNK

Neurogenèse de l'hippocampe / Hippocampal Neurogenesis

Hippocampal Neurogenesis

Neurogenèse de l'hippocampe

Procesos de neurogenesis hipocampal adulta, la cual ocurre en la region granular del giro dentado.