Showing posts with label Comunicado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comunicado. Show all posts


Is Alzheimer's Disease related to Metabolic Syndrome? A Wnt Signaling Conundrum

Is Alzheimer’s Disease related to Metabolic Syndrome?
A Wnt Signaling Conundrum

Juvenal A. Ríos, Pedro Cisternas, Marco Arrese, Salesa
Barja and Nibaldo C. Inestrosa

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia, affecting more than 36 million people worldwide. AD is characterized by a progressive loss of cognitive functions. For years, it has been thought that age is the main risk factor for AD. Recent studies suggest that life style factors, including nutritional behaviors, play a critical role in the onset of dementia. Evidence about the relationship between nutritional behavior and AD includes the role of conditions such as obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and elevated glucose levels. The coexistence of some of these cardio-metabolic risk factors is generally known as metabolic syndrome (MS). Some clinical studies support the role of MS in the onset of AD. However, the cross-talk between the molecular signaling implicated in these disorders is unknown. In the present review, we focus on the molecular correlates that support the relationship between MS and the onset of AD. We also discuss relevant issues such as the role of leptin, insulin and renin-angiotensin signaling in the brain and the possible role of Wnt signaling in both MS and AD. We discuss the evidence supporting the use of ob/obmice, high-fructose diets, aortic coarctation-induced hypertension and Octodon degus, which spontaneously develops β-amyloid deposits and metabolic derangements, as suitable animal models to address the relationships between MS and AD. Finally, we examine emergent data supporting the role of Wnt signaling in the modulation of AD and MS, implicating this pathway as a therapeutic target in both conditions.


Review: Wnt Signaling Roles on the Structure and Function of the Central Synapses: Involvement in Alzheimer’s Disease

Review with drawings accepted !  Click Review Here !!

This is a old version of drawings of Graphique-science, but now are coming new versions!

 Wnts compromise a large family of secreted glycoproteins that have shown to be part of the signaling molecules that regulate several aspects of development such as axis formation and midbrain development [1, 2]. In mammals at least 19 Wnt members have been found. The interaction of a Wnt protein with members of the Frizzled (Fz) family of seven-pass transmembrane cell-surface receptors triggers the activation of the Wnt signaling pathway . In human and mice, 10 members of the Fz family have been identified. In addition, receptor-like tyrosine kinase (Ryk) and receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor (Ror2) have been identified as alternative Wnt receptors [6-8]. Different Wnt signaling cascades are activated downstream the Wnt receptors, identified as Wnt/β-catenin or canonical pathway, and β-catenin-independent or non-canonical pathways. The canonical pathway involves the transcription of Wnt target genes, while activation of non-canonical Wnt pathways may induce either an increase in intracellular calcium concentration or activation of the c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) cascade.


New drawing model of a Signaling by Graphique-science

A couple of weeks ago, I was looking for a new design of drawings. So now, here is my new style of creations !!. More definition and more design with a new concept. Enjoy !  I will accept observations !.


Mensaje! / Message!!

Si usted esta interesado en obtener un dibujo en formato como revistas tipo nature, cell, Science, etc. AQUI ES DONDE DEBE BUSCAR!

El diseño de este blog, tiene la finalidad de poder dibujar mecanismos interesados en la biología u otra rama de las ciencias donde se pueda explicar como ocurren diversos fenómenos. Si alguien esta realizando una tesis, paper, poster, etc la cual necesita de un modelo o figura alusiva a su mecanismo propuesto, yo puedo realizarlo. Esto puede ser conversable de acuerdo al precio del dibujo, ya sea en blanco-negro, color, etc. Además los mecanismos pueden ser en español, ingles o francés (también se podría realizar en alemán). Cualquier duda por favor consulten! todo es conversable!!!

PD: De todos modos los dibujos serán subidos a esta plataforma en idioma inglés.

If you are interested in obtain a drawing with a journal format like Nature, Science or any other magazine. This is the place for you!!
The design of this blog have the finality to show mechanism for thesis, papers, posters o anything related with the biology (cellular, molecular, physiology, etc). The price of any drawing will depend of the type (the complexity, the color or white-black, etc). Also, the drawings can be made in spanish, english or french (also could be in german language).

For questions please leave a message in this blog!

Si vous êtes intéressés à obtenir un format d'image de journal vers "Nature", "Cell", "Science", etc. Vous devez chercher ici!!

Le design de ce blog, est destiné à montrer les mécanismes pour la biologie ou autre branche de la science dans le but d'expliquer comment les divers phénomènes se produisent. Si quelqu'un fait une thèse, paper, poster, etc qui a besoin d'un modèle ou d'une figure en faisant allusion à son mécanisme proposé, je peux le faire. Cela peut être basé sur le dessin conversable prix, que ce soit en noir et blanc, couleur, etc. Mécanismes aussi soient un en français, en espagnol ou en anglais (aussi en allemagne). Toutes les questions s'il vous plaît consulter! tout est conversable!

PD: les dessins seront montrer en anglais.